What is EMDR?

What is EMDR? “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing” is a psychotherapy technique.



Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a mental health treatment technique. This method involves moving your eyes a specific way while you process traumatic memories. EMDR’s goal is to help you heal from trauma or other distressing life experiences.

EMDR can help people with a wide range of mental health conditions. Adolescents, teenagers and adults of all ages can benefit from this treatment. Some healthcare providers also specialize in EMDR for children.

EMDR should only be offered by properly trained and licensed mental health clinicians.

The most widespread use of EMDR is for treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Mental healthcare providers also use it in the treatment of the following conditions: Anxiety disorders: Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias and social anxiety/phobia, depression, Sexual dysfunction, Eating disorder, Sleep disturbance, Fibromyalgia, Migraine,Chronic pains, stress and addiction.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This means that it has been studied by many researchers and found to be effective in treating PTSD.
EMDR is also found effective by many international health and government institutions.
Some of these organizations are:
– World Health Organization (WHO, World Health Organization)
-American Psychiatric Association
-International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
-US Department of Veterans Affairs (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
-U.S. Department of Defense
-United Kingdom Department of Health
-Israeli National Council for Mental Health

EMDR buzzers, pulsers, and tappers use two vibration devices that a user holds in their hands, follow the light or strap onto their wrists. These devices create physical stimuli periodically and the timing is used to create stimuli on alternating sides of the body.
Without the device EMDR Specialists ask their clients to sit at a certain distance, slide their fingers left and right, and follow the client’s eyes and fingertips. In other words, they perform bidirectional stimulation with arm power.
On the other hand, EMDR devices support the specialist in this tiring process, bilateral stimulation is performed by the device. In this way, the specialist can focus completely on the Client.

Devices can perform bidirectional stimulation simultaneously with one or more of the visual, tactile and auditory options.
The chosen stimulation method is determined by how comfortable the client is.

EMDR therapy, like other therapies, can be applied online by creating the necessary conditions with the Internet and software technologies.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy.

EMDR therapy is a method that allows us to get out of the effect and relax by making sense of the disturbing events, memories and unrest that we experience and cannot get rid of.
EMDR is a type of psychotherapy, during which we reprocess the information belonging to our memories in our minds.

During EMDR therapy, the client is awake and conscious.
Troubled memories about previous experiences are identified with clients.
Then, while reaching the target memories, a sound, vibration and/or visual bidirectional stimulus is applied to the client.

It is recommended that EMDR therapy be administered by experts trained by accredited trainers. Although a few books published abroad deal with the subject of EMDR at home, it is not highly recommended.

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